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PhD Position in Advanced Biomaterials: Hydrogel-Coated Functional Sutures

ID: 277429

Art des Jobs Vollzeit
Eingetragen am 03.02.2025
Einsatzort St. Gallen

Jobbeschreibung Your tasks
- Microfluidic wet spinning of polymer fibers
- Characterization of polymer fibers: mechanical and structural properties
- Disseminating the research through scientific publications, conference posters and presentations, as well as other avenues for the general public
- Communicate with clinical experts.
Qualifikationen Your profile
- Master's degree and strong background in polymer science or microfluidics
- Highly motivated and good communication skills for working in a multidisciplinary environment
- Proficient in spoken and written English for scientific publications and national/international conference presentations.
- Previous experience in one or more of the following topics is required: X-ray analytics, antimicrobial materials, hydrogels
Firma Empa
CH-9014 St. Gallen
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