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Postdoktorandenstelle (m/w/d) zur Untersuchung des Verhaltens, der Verteilung und des Verbleibs von Munitionsverbindungen in marinen Systemen

ID: 276401

Art des Jobs Vollzeit
Eingetragen am 09.01.2025
Einsatzort Kiel

Jobbeschreibung Job Description / Duties
The candidate will be part of the MMinE-SwEEPER and MUNI-RISK consortia that will advance scientific understanding on effects of munition in the marine environment and develop methods for prioritizing and implementing remediation actions. She:He will be involved in field measurements in munition dump sites in European coastal seas. The candidate will lead and coordinate laboratory analyses of munition chemicals in field samples using HPLC and high resolution ESI/APCI-MS, as well as manage and interpret the data with project partners. He:She will assist with further chemical method and hardware development of the Xplotector, a lab-in-a-box system for at-sea detection of munition chemicals. The tasks of the candidate will also comprise the presentation of results at national and international scientific meetings and the publication of the results in established peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Qualifikationen Required qualifications
- A PhD in chemical oceanography, environmental chemistry, analytical chemistry or similar field is requiredor is to be achieved by 1 June 2025
- Experience in sampling and analysis of organic compounds in marine systems
- Experience in the targeted and/or non-targeted detection of organic compounds using LC-MS is a requirement
- Excellent English language skills (written and spoken)
- Willingness and ability to participate in sea- going expeditions
- Willingness to communicate routinely with other members of the MMinE-SwEEPER and MUNI-RISK projects
- Willingness to contribute to the project management of the MMinE-SwEEPER and MUNI-RISK projects
Firma GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
24148 Kiel
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